Christmas Activity for Kiddos

Looking for a little activity to do with your kids before Christmas? We’re nearing Christmas Day, and this is a fun color-cut-and-paste project that will remind them of the story of Jesus’ birth.

Key characters include the angel Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, the star, shepherds, wise men, and Jesus. Kiddos are also able to draw and color themselves to add to the booklet - a visual that they also are part of God’s story when they believe in Him.

Print out this template to color in, and follow these instructions.

Enjoy, and have a merry Christmas!

Many thanks to Heather Garoy for this project! Heather is a wife and mom of two young girls; she and her husband serve as missionaries in her husband’s home country of Belize. They are a wonderful family and a huge blessing to those around them (and those far away as well ;)).